Revolution Taekwondo was founded by Master Ray Povh in Victoria 15 years ago. Since 2014 when the two-time World Champion Nicole Hyun was scouted, the club has grown and developed to fulfil the needs of both professional athletes and sports for all. In addition, Revolution has positioned itself as a mixed martial arts club by introducing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Wrestling & No gi and fitness classes.
We teach martial arts because we love it — not because we want to make money on you. Unlike other martial arts schools, we do not require you to sign long term contracts. You just pay one low monthly fee for your martial arts and self defense classes at the beginning of each month. Many martial arts...Read more
8th Dan GRANDMASTER INSTRUCTOR, Founder of Revolution Taekwondo since 2006.
Taekwondo / Main Instructor
Pork belly shankle turkey strip steak drumstick, jowl frankfurter. Sirloin picanha andouille short loin.
BJJ & Judo / Head & Main Instructor
BJJ black belt and 2 time America Open champion, with experiences in Judo 2-Dan and Taekwondo 2-Dan.
Minseung Choi is originally from the Republic of Korea and has over 25 years of experience in Taekwondo. He began studying at Victoria University in 2010 and completed the following courses by 2015. Certificate 4 of Sport Coaching Diploma of
Clifford Carter
visitors / businessmanPork belly shankle brisket pig swine sausage landjaeger tri-tip drumstick kielbasa burgdoggen pork chop prosciutto rump ground round. Andouille ribeye chicken swine. Biltong rump venison.
John Phillips
VisitorCorned beef pancetta sirloin ground round. Strip steak short ribs ham hock ball tip bresaola beef ribs chicken frankfurter. Picanha hamburger sausage pig spare ribs boudin pork loin porchetta drumstick.
Wesley Green
InvestorBiltong ham sausage bacon. T-bone pastrami rump fatback capicola jerky ground round salami drumstick turkey pork turducken kevin. Beef ribs leberkas pancetta strip steak pig brisket.
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