Sean He


Sean is a black belt in Brazilian Jiujitsu under Sami Baki and Daniel Schuard. He has been training in the sport for 13 years, and freestyle wrestling since 2018. Also, specialize in nogi grappling and do majority training at Absolute

Yunkai Shi


Minseung Choi


Minseung Choi is originally from the Republic of Korea and has over 25 years of experience in Taekwondo. He began studying at Victoria University in 2010 and completed the following courses by 2015.  Certificate 4 of Sport Coaching  Diploma of

Kai-Ser Poh


Meet Kai-Ser Poh, a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor skilled in both gi and no gi.

Nicole Hyun

Taekwondo / Main Instructor

Pork belly shankle turkey strip steak drumstick, jowl frankfurter. Sirloin picanha andouille short loin.

Tom Burns

Taekwondo / Second Instructor

Taekwondo 2nd Dan Black Belt, having started back in 2006 at the young age of 6 with dreams of being a Ninja.